The Maskerade is a bodypainting event, meeting and competition held in the Netherlands, Venlo. The Maskerade Award is an international body painting- and face painting contest. Around 40 body painters from Europe and the World join the Maskerade Awards. The Maskerade is a member of the European Body Paint Federation contest and is headed by the organizer Bert Verstappen.
Lynn's model received the Model Award 2012
Lynn Schockmel and her team enjoyed the great weekend full of special moments! She was painting with her beloved husband and new painting assistant Marco Mazzini who is photographer as well. He is a great help and a good painter! Lynn's bodypainting design "The Iwarrior" made 8th place and her amazing model Katrin Hilgert received the Model Award 2012 for her great stage performance.
Video of Katrin Hilgert's powerful stage performance:Publications & PressMore pictures:
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October 2019